
Top 10 causes of stress in the workplace


There are 10 main causes of stress in the workplace. Since burnout is, along with other things, the result of sustained stress over a period of time, it is essential to begin to understand it (what causes it, how it manifests itself, its effects, etc.) and how to deal with it effectively... 

Today we will talk about the first 5. 👀 These are: 👇

1. Excessive workload:

If the workload or deadlines are beyond our capacity to handle, it is likely to become a major source of pressure, possibly leading to stress.

Lack of control:

Work-related stress is made worse when we feel we have little control. The most common areas are: Processes, Decision-making and Performance targets.

3. Lack of support:

When we do not receive enough help from colleagues, supervisors or managers, stress increases.

According to The Workplace Health Report, 26% of employees cite it as one of the biggest causes of stress at work.

4. Senior staff:

Managers play an important role in the mental health of their employees. Those who are critical, overly demanding, authoritarian, unsupportive or intimidating will inevitably be a huge source of stress.

What they say, feel and do has a great influence on the emotional well-being of their co-workers.

5. Insufficient training:

When we are not adequately trained to do our jobs, and consequently perform poorly, we experience high levels of stress because we do not feel competent and unable to deliver.

Reducing stress in the workplace is the responsibility of both the employees and the heads of an organisation. 

Wait for it! After talking about the other 5 main causes of work-related stress, we'll be giving tips on how to effectively manage and reduce it .


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