
10 signs that scream "stress" - Part 2


Following on from what we talked about above, here are the other 5 clear signs of stress in the workplace:

6. Irritability:

It often goes hand in hand with stress. Bluntness, directness and being overly aggressive are symptoms to watch out for, especially if these reactions occur in situations that would not normally generate this type of response.

7. Withdrawal from the social activities of work:

If work is causing stress, the behaviour may be to start withdrawing from everything to do with work, including events outside the office, such as work-related social gatherings.

8. Lack of punctuality:

Timing usually becomes a problem when the stress is work-related. If a colleague starts to miss deadlines, it could be a sign that his or her burden is getting the better of him or her.

9. Increased sensitivity:

If a colleague is stressed about work, he or she may be more sensitive than usual, especially when it comes to work-related conversations.

For example, he finds comments or jokes about his performance more annoying than usual.

10. Lack of energy:

Stress can take a mental as well as a physical toll. If you notice that a colleague suddenly seems sluggish and lethargic, this could be a sign of work-related stress affecting their physical well-being.

Knowing then what are the signs that indicate stress, do you identify with any of them?

Once we are aware of behaviours that may be detrimental to us, taking action is all-important. Letting stress build up progressively is the direct route to burnout.

How to avoid it, how to change the organisational culture to a more effective and compassionate one, how to be more efficient from calm and not from stress?

See you in the next post with the answers!


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