
3 Tips for leaders who are close to burnout


As leaders of organizations, workloads often pile up, in addition to the strategic part that is clearly your responsibility.

Here are some tips for leaders to help them be prepared and exercise leadership that supports the entire team, while taking care of their health and maintaining emotional balance:

Delegate whenever possible:

Delegating functions to the right people will prevent burnout, allow you to make room in your schedule to attend to your employees' issues, and you will be more physically and emotionally available for what comes up at home.

Delegating transmits confidence to the team, frees up valuable time, increases productivity and allows you to focus on the most important tasks in the administrative area.

Open channels of communication:

Each team member needs attention to feel that his or her contribution is valuable to the company.

Communication must be bidirectional, therefore a sincere and light communication must be promoted, where workers feel free to express themselves, as well as the leader with them, finding receptivity and openness in both cases.

Solving conflicts as soon as they occur

Conflicts within work teams can be so destructive to the health of the work environment and group dynamics that they sometimes end up causing burnout among those involved. 

As a team leader, you should establish clear procedures for conflict resolution, define expectations on how to deal with such problems and take an active role in resolving them.

Delegating tasks, resolving conflicts on time, opening the right channels to encourage communication are small actions that help to avoid burnout and maintain the well-being and productivity of everyone in the organization.


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