
3 key ways to deal with negative emotions

Good management of negative emotions is key if we want to reduce and overcome burnout and any situation that makes us feel bad.

How to deal with negative emotions? - 3 keys

  1. Identify your emotions: What negative emotions do you notice? Become aware to distance yourself from the feeling. When you feel overwhelmed, separating the part of you that is feeling these emotions from who you are by nature - the wellbeing we talked about last week - is very effective: "there is a part of me that feels sad".
  2. Name it: How would you describe the emotion? Giving it a name allows the pre-frontal cortex (the area of our brain that reasons) to take the emotional charge off and let it go, or put it aside. It stops taking control over you when we open the door to reason.
  3. Appreciate what you are feeling: One of the most effective things when dealing with negative emotions is to accept that we are feeling bad and take the judgement out of ourselves for it - "I'm feeling sad about this and that, and that's okay." Something is going off and denying it or fighting it is not going to change it. Accepting it with love will.

Knowing ourselves in depth means observing ourselves in depth.

How am I dealing with what I feel is leading to burnout? - The responsibility for how we interpret what is happening always lies with us.

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