
4 Ways Leaders Avoid Burnout

Ways in which leaders avoid Burnout

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the most important causes of burnout for leaders.

In this opportunity, we will talk about 5 things that successful leaders do to maintain wellness, which leads to better performance, and in turn, avoid burnout.


Studies show that people who are more mindful have lower levels of workload stress and, as a result, feel less emotionally drained.

How can we become more aware/be more present?

  • Meditate, even if only for a few minutes a day, to slow down and pay more attention to our thoughts and emotions. 
  • Practice self-reflection: Take time to think of different points of view for each situation. 
  • Developing self-awareness: understanding how our values, beliefs and assumptions affect our life, actions and the people around us.


The more we successfully deal with difficult situations, the more confident we will be in our ability to cope with challenges. 

Breaking down big projects into smaller, more achievable goals is key to reducing the feeling of overwhelm, as is worrying about the little things or thinking about things we can't fix.

How can we become more resilient?

  • Shifting the focus from threat to growth 
  • Breaking down complex challenges into smaller problems to solve  
  • Regain control by prioritizing tasks and creating an action plan. 
  • Choose consistency over perfection.

3.-Social connection

The depth and quality of our interactions with other people have a profound impact on our energy levels.

Social isolation is related to higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction.

How can we avoid disconnection?

  • Express gratitude and practice compassion. 
  • Volunteer or help someone in need 
  • Collaborate with others on a project or problem-solving activity.


We are all motivated by something, and this sense of purpose is a lasting source of energy that can help us find meaning in what we do. 

People with a strong sense of purpose are better able to succeed: they can handle complexity and deal with stress more effectively. 

How can we work from our purpose?

  • Finding our purpose: By asking ourselves what our five core strengths are, the most important things we value and the legacy we want to leave behind. 
  • Sharing our purpose
  • Procure our purpose: reshape our work and work environment to align it with our purpose and strengths.
A very important part of leadership is leading by example. Demonstrating that we take care of ourselves will encourage employees to prioritize well-being. This will undoubtedly result in a company with happier, more efficient, productive and committed people. 


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