
6 signs it's not laziness, it's burnout

6 signs it's not laziness-it's burnout

When the symptoms of burnout start to appear, something we tend to add to our emotional burden without realising it, is the guilt we feel for not being equally productive.

How can we differentiate if what we are experiencing is burnout, and not laziness?

  • We feel disconnected from everything: We do things as if on autopilot. We have the feeling of being detached from ourselves. 
  • We used to be motivated: A lazy person never felt motivated or enthusiastic about their work. If we used to have ambition and a desire to excel and that was lost, burnout may be the reason.
  • We used to be passionate: A clear difference between a person with laziness and a burned-out person is that the latter has hobbies, pastimes, things they are passionate about and excited about doing. When we suffer from burnout, we stop enjoying them.
  • We are moody and irritable: We start to feel emotionally out of control and become easily irritated. The lazy person tends to be carefree.
  • We have neglected our self-care: Ignoring self-care and withdrawing socially are key indicators of an emotionally exhausted person.
  • The changes occurred gradually: Burnout occurs in stages. At first it is seen as sustained stress, then comes loss of motivation, occasional burnout and finally chronic burnout.

The most important sign is that simply before burnout people did not act in this way. As burnout took place, with it came changes. 

Burnout syndrome is something that occurs progressively. If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms and feel you need help, fill in the form at the end of this article. You will be able to request an appointment with one of our burnout specialists.


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If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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