
5 KEY tips to increase your Productivity

A key part of preventing burnout is learning to manage time better and be more productive during the day.

The better we organise ourselves, the less time we will spend on the activities on our agenda.

Mental and emotional fatigue will be less. We are less stressed. We relax more.

Paradoxically, we are much more effective when we are relaxed, even if we have 50 things on our to-do list. So how do we manage our day in a way that is both more "relaxed" and more productive?

Start the day with the most difficult task. It is usually the one you avoid the most because it is the one you know will consume you the most. You need more concentration. More effort. When you start the day, you have more energy and finishing it will be easier and smoother.

Avoid looking at your phone while you are focused: Every time we pick up the phone to "distract ourselves for a while" we lose energy and the line of focus we came with. Take short breaks of 5 - 10 minutes during the day to disconnect.

When you are doing a task, focus 100% on it and forget about the rest of the things you have pending. Just by thinking "I'm missing this, this, this and that" you are stressing yourself out unnecessarily. You can't do more than what's in front of you. Give it your full attention.

Listen to your favourite music while you work. When we mix something we may not like so much with something we enjoy, it makes it much more enjoyable. We work more calmly, and our mind is focused on enjoying the music and the work we are doing, rather than thinking about what is pending.

Notice every time your body is tense during the day. Tension in the body reflects that we are stressed. Whenever situations arise that stress us, our physical reaction is to tense our muscles. If we consciously relax them, we send a message of "calm" and maintain the state of tranquillity we have been working with.

These actions are practical, but they are also superficial if we are talking about advanced burnout.

If you want to, you can request a therapy or coaching session to help you get out of burnout if you are there, or to avoid it if you feel you are living in constant stress. Fill in this form.

Have a great rest of the week!


Book your appointment

If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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