
KEY differences between stress and burnout

Burnout, stress and burnout syndrome are the same thing. Theymay have similar characteristics, but today we share with you the key differences between stress and burnout that you need to know in order to take the right actions in each case.

We share with you the 7 clear differences between the two concepts: Stress vs Burnout


  • Emotions are running high
  • Excess obligations
  • Feeling of urgency and hyperactivity
  • Produces energy loss
  • It leads to anxiety disorders
  • The primary damage is physical
  • Can lead to physical illness


  • Feeling of being out of place
  • Emotions are flattened
  • Feeling of helplessness and hopelessness
  • Causes loss of motivation
  • It leads to depression
  • The primary damage is emotional
  • It can make life seem not worth living.

Conclusion: The result of sustained stress is burnout in all its glory.

When you still feel stressed, but not apathetic, you have more energy and emotional capacity to do what is necessary to avoid burnout.

So what can we do to improve our condition?

Knowing and understanding your emotional state in depth is first and foremost. What do I mean by this? If you know you are not feeling well, the way to fix it is not to avoid it. It's by looking at it head on. Sit down for a few minutes, get a pen and paper and define:

What and how do you feel?

Why do you feel this way?

What do you like and dislike about your life and work at the moment?

What do you think you need to change to improve your situation?

Which of these changes are in your control and which are not?

Honesty will make the path clearer. Just putting it down on paper will give you a sense of relief, and it will give you clarity to make the decisions you feel are necessary:

  • Do you have to set more limits at work?
  • Is the work you do what you want it to be?
  • Do you have a good relationship with your colleagues?
  • What can you do to improve it?
  • How is your relationship with yourself?
  • Do you do any sporting activities?
  • Is your diet balanced?
  • Are you compassionate and loving with your emotions and moods?
  • Do you take time to rest and respect your time?

All this, taken together, either adds up or subtracts. Put them all in order, and you start to feel better. Leave them in disarray, or without taking responsibility, and you feel worse. Now, this all sounds very nice, as long as you feel you have the energy and the capacity to do it. If just the idea of doing this introspection overwhelms you, tires you out, or your first reaction is to dismiss it, it's probably good to think about getting help. Someone to help you identify what you don't feel able to see and understand, but that you know is there and needs to change, is key to starting the healing process.

If this is your case, fill in this formand we will help you.


Book your appointment

If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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