More prone to burnout because of the way I think?
Why do some people suffer from burnout even with the same workload, while others do not? What is the difference between them? How
You finished one pending task after another. And now?
How do you deal with yourself whenever you finish a task on your agenda? Many times we put pressure on ourselves and don't give ourselves the space to acknowledge
Less burnout NOW in 3 steps
Although burnout syndrome is a much more complex issue, it is small, day-to-day changes that will lead to you feeling more
Less stress, more clarity - how to do it?
While it is very important to answer the question "how to manage stress", it is equally - if not more - important to answer the question "what can I do to become less stressed? In the case of
Something we take too little account of when learning how to change and improve the way we feel, is to remember that
Working from home - better or worse than before?
The best way to define your working hours and boundaries from home is to think about what your schedule was like when you worked in person: