
How to beat Burnout and be super productive?

How to beat Burnout and be super productive

More treasures from the First Iberoamerican Congress Against Burnout. 

Highlights from two exceptional speakers: Aldo Cívico, Executive Coach, specialist in leadership development, and Jacques Giraud, Coach and expert in organizational development.

Aldo Civico took us on a profound journey, reminding us of the importance of acting from our authentic self. 

He explained how Burnout can be a symptom of operating from a false self. Aldo encourages us to draw a mental map aligned with our purpose and values to lead with authenticity, freedom and courage. 

In addition, he shared the incredible tool of the Enneagram, which helps us understand our leadership and personality profiles. 

Jacques Giraud, on the other hand, challenged us to rethink productivity. 

He presented three essential ideas: 

  • Establish boundaries for an effective organization. 
  • Redirecting our focus to achieve significant impact.
  • Give ourselves strategic breaks to recharge our minds.

Don't you find it exciting to rethink how we approach productivity in our busy world?

Taking care of yourself is the first step to building a balanced and energetic life.


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