
How to reduce burnout? 6 keys to achieve it

How to reduce burnout

6 KEY tips to reduce burnout NOW!

Recovering from burnout syndrome can take days, weeks, months or years. Being a mainly internal process, the awareness and willingness of each person plays a very important role in defining the time. 

Here are 6 tips that you can easily include in your daily routine and will help you recover and reduce burnout:

  1. Identify stressors: Knowing what your stress triggers are will allow you to avoid or reduce interactions with them.

It is key to pay attention to incidents, people or situations that constantly provoke stress, and thus try to avoid them as much as possible.

  1. Create the habit of writing: Whether it is one line, one paragraph, one sheet of paper a day, it has proven to be an excellent emotional decompressant. 

Creating the habit may take some time, but the results in reduced stress and lack of mental clarity will make it easier and easier.

  1. Seek professional help from a coach or therapist: Therapy drastically reduces stress levels and can facilitate healing from a mental health and emotional wellbeing perspective.
  1. Create a support network: Being able to discuss burnout issues in a safe environment will help relieve stress, and strengthen solidarity with those around you.
  1. Get enough exercise: Want to know how to recover from burnout without stopping working? Try to implement a regular physical activity routine.

Moving the body will release pent-up tension while producing feel-good hormones such as endorphins. 

  1. Speak up: Being honest about burnout with a boss or manager can result in a reduced workload and even a break from work. 

Talking to the relevant people is key if you want to create change that best suits your mental and emotional needs.

Recovering from burnout is a process that begins and ends with awareness . Every act/change we make is a choice that either moves towards or away from the calm and well-being we all seek.

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