
How to sleep better with these 3 tips!


When we go to sleep and we are still alert, tense, anxious, defensive, it can take hours to fall asleep. And even then, once you do, the rest is not deep. Even though your body is "asleep", your mind is still wandering.

Follow these 3 recommendations:

1.- Sleep more.

Yes, it's a cliché, and yes, it's one of the best things you can do NOW to feel better. Thousands of studies have proven the physical-emotional-mental damage caused by lack of sleep. More lack of concentration, irritability, lack of clarity. 7-8 hours of sleep makes you feel refreshed, focused and in a good mood. You improve productivity. You avoid burnout.

No" is the new favorite word.

Setting limits and decreasing overload is a KEY and necessary step. Ask yourself the question, why am I -or on the way to being- burned-out? One of the most common reasons is that we have a bigger work and emotional load than we can handle, continuing to say "yes" to more things is only going to increase the discomfort and push the solution away. 

3.-Start with the most difficult tasks first.

Why is this? During the day, both our focus and our mental and emotional energy diminish as time goes by. If you start with the hardest thing, you will be in a better condition to finish it than if you leave it to the end. Plus, the rest of the day you'll feel relieved because you "got it out of the way", rather than tense because you're stuck with it.

Three simple, but VERY effective and actionable things!


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