
How to deal with burnout and create a healthy work culture?

How to deal with burnout and create a healthy work culture

It is essential to lose the fear and shame of expressing that we can't do it anymore and to assume that we don't feel well.

As you know, we want to dedicate these weeks to share with you the most important points that were discussed during the First Ibero-American Congress against Burnout.

At the event's opening forum, "Insight on Burnout," Carmen Martinez of the World Health Organization shared key points we sent out last week. 

Today, we would like to share with you the highlights of the interventions of two additional speakers: Dilcia Ruan (VIAHR's Director and Special Projects Advisor) and Reverend Andrés Ramos.

Dilcia Ruan, one of the outstanding speakers at the congress, reminded us that VIAHR was born out of the desire to transform pain into service

The initiative arose from the experience of María Méndez, president and founder of the organization, who did not want others to go through what she went through. Dilcia emphasized the purpose of learning to serve and turning VIAHR into a space for experts to join the fight against burnout . She also emphasized the importance of taking the message beyond the corporate world, reaching out to all employees.

However, a number of challenges were also raised. One is the recognition at both the individual and corporate level that people and companies can be "sick" due to job burnout

Dilcia reminded us that it is essential to lose the fear and shame of expressing that we can't go on any longer and to assume that we don't feel well. To address the problem of burnout, it is necessary to make it visible and talk openly about it.

The importance of making conscious decisions to avoid getting sick and making the company sick was also highlighted. The creation of alliances between different sectors also emerged as a valuable strategy to treat burnout effectively. And to evaluate the impact of any intervention, it is essential to measure before, during and after the intervention.

Within the forum, Father Andrés Ramos also shared valuable insights on how the church can contribute to the well-being and prevention of burnout. In his speech, he highlighted the importance of caring for others in all aspects, including health, and promoting the dignity of workers.

Father Andrés emphasized the need to develop a culture of respect and rest, as well as the importance of considering work as a means for people to fulfill their vocation and contribute to the common good.

As for the challenges, Father Andrés Ramos urged the development of strategies to diminish the effects of burnout and recalled the importance of returning to the "desert" to find the meaning of life and keep hope alive

He also stressed the value of spiritual support and of looking at others with love and closeness, since each one of us can be a "pitcher" capable of giving drink to others.

These points highlighted by Dilcia Ruan and Father Andrés Ramos give us a complete picture of the challenges and opportunities we face in our aim to prevent burnout and promote a balanced and healthy life. 

From VIAHR, we invite you to fill out the Burnout self-diagnosis instrument, and to continue working together to make a positive difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

Thank you all for being part of this valuable initiative and for your commitment to burnout prevention!


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