
How to prevent burnout with these 3 tips

Although burnout syndrome is a complex issue, it is the small day-to-day changes that add up and lead us to feel more recovered and full of energy. 

So, what can we do today to feel better?

1.- After each completed task, take a moment to celebrate it:

One of the reasons why we become overtired is because of this feeling of giving, giving, giving and not feeling that we are receiving. Even though it is our job, our actions are often defined by and for someone else. 

Every time you finish a pending task, set aside a moment to have a coffee, make a call, take a little "pause" for a couple of minutes. This changes your mood and recharges you to move on to the next task at hand.

2.-Whileyou are working on a goal, do not think about the rest of the things you have pending.

If you are working on a specific task, but you have your mind on the other 5 things you have left to do, you are losing energy, losing focus, causing yourself anxiety, for something you can't solve at that exact moment. The reality is that you can only take care of one thing at a time. So think about one thing at a time.

3.-Ifyou feel overwhelmed at a certain time of the day, continuing to work will not make you feel better.

That belief that "more is always better" is not necessarily true. If you've been working for hours and you start to feel overwhelmed or stressed by the amount of things to do, continuing to "finish faster" can cause the opposite effect. You're not 100% feeling this way, and what might take 20 minutes, ends up taking much longer. 

In these cases, setting aside 10 to 15 minutes to close your eyes and rest can be very effective in recharging your energy. 

Whatever the job, remember that the priority is you. Your well-being. And the responsibility to change how you feel is yours.


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