
How to prevent burnout in my company?

How to prevent burnout in my company?

Last week we talked about the importance of communicating in our jobs when we are close to burn-out or already feeling burned-out.

Today, we are going to talk about the key role that companies play in preventing burnout in their employees and what to do to make this happen.

Let's start with the most common causes of burnout at work:

  • Overload - workload and time
  • Pressure
  • Role conflict
  • Lack of managerial support, feedback, fairness, equality and participation in decision making
  • A "broken" psychological contract between an employer and an employee

Any one of these factors, alone or in combination, can lead even the best employees to withdraw from their jobs.

Why is it important to prevent burnout in the workplace?

Engaged employees generate real results. They are motivated, enthusiastic and focused. They enjoy their work, help drive productivity, performance and growth.


How can we prevent burnout in our company?

  • Allow recovery time: Employees who push themselves to the limit at work are not only unproductive, but lead to burnout. Managers should adjust workloads, create realistic expectations and be aware when someone has been at full throttle for too long.
  • Foster a wellness mindset: When managers know how employees think about stress, they can help them cope better and prevent burnout. Helping employees find their "sweet spot" for stress is key. Temporary (good) stress keeps us alert, ready to meet a challenge. Chronic (bad) stress, on the other hand, can lead to many health problems, both physical and mental.
  • Build social connections: We are hardwired to be social. And the more we can rely on each other for support, the better we feel. In fact, social support significantly decreases employees' stress, health, well-being and work engagement.

As we can see, creating a work culture where employees are engaged and happy is a conscious effort that needs to be made at all levels of the company.

To receive guidance and implement it in your company, please fill out the form of our Program ALLIES OF THE COMPANY.


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