
How do you know if you are burned-out?

One of the most common reasons why people suffer from burnout is that they are not aware that things like headaches, gastritis, irritability towards clients or even co-workers, lack of motivation, constant stress, difficulty in doing tasks that were once simple, are all symptoms that you either have burnout or are very close to suffering from it.

An important characteristic of this syndrome is that it occurs progressively, so it is key to identify what things indicate that you are moving in that direction, so that you can start to take action to divert yourself from that path. 

What questions can you ask yourself to find out if you are suffering from burnout?

  • Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive?
  • Do you find it hard to start working and concentrate?
  • Do you feel that you have become more cynical, critical, irritable at work?
  • Have your sleeping and eating habits changed as a result of your work?
  • Does it lead you to experience anxiety disorders
  • Do you lack satisfaction in your achievements?
  • Do you feel disillusioned with your work?

All these answers will give you some of what you need to know to be aware of what emotional state you are in regarding your work and your time.

In case you want to have a deeper diagnosis of your current state of burnout syndrome, we have a test with all the necessary questions to give you an accurate and concrete result. Here is the link, the test is free and gives you the results automatically:

If you do, and you want to know what steps to take to solve, prevent or improve your outcome and how you are feeling, write to us.

We are at your service. Have a great week.


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If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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