
How do I know if I am burned-out?

One of the reasons why a person may suffer from burn-out is because they do not recognise what symptoms indicate that they are heading in that direction.

They probably have months of feeling things that indicate that they are not burned-out, but they have not recognised them and do not take action to avoid it.

What signs should we look out for?

  • Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating
  • We put ambition aside and with it our goals.
  • It makes it difficult to maintain relationships and be present with loved ones.
  • We feel frustration and irritability with our clients and co-workers.
  • Muscle tension, pain, fatigue and insomnia for no apparent reason.
  • We stop enjoying our hobbies and relaxing outside of work becomes more difficult. 

What things can we start to do to begin to reduce burnout?


Some things simply have to be done, but others can wait until we have more time and energy. Decide which tasks are less important and put them aside.


We can't do everything ourselves, so if more tasks than we can handle need immediate attention, delegating them to someone we trust is key.

Leaving work at work

Part of recovering from burnout is learning to prioritise work-life balance. After leaving work, the focus should be on relaxing and recharging for the next day.

Being honest about our needs

Just talking to others involved and letting them know what is going on brings relief. Explaining that we need support to take care of our health and manage our workload productively creates an atmosphere of safety and empathy that feeds the soul.

If you feel your level of burnout is too high, fill out this form and you will receive an appointment with a coach or therapist - your choice. Understanding what we are feeling and what to do to heal is the first and most important step.


Book your appointment

If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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