
How to have a great day?

how to have a great day

At the Vacation is a Human Right Foundation (VIAHR), we are passionate about promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and what better way to achieve this than by taking regular breaks to recharge.

In this edition of our newsletter, we are inspired by the recent article "Daniel Goleman revealsthe formula for having a great day, everyday", published by DIARIO DE AVISOS.

Daniel Goleman, renowned psychologist and author of "Emotional Intelligence", teaches us how to achieve optimal states of performance and satisfaction in our daily lives.

His latest book, "Optimal: Performance, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence," in collaboration with Cary Cherniss, provides valuable keys to making the most of every day.

Emotional intelligence is the key to achieving this state, and we can all train it.

At VIAHR, we advocate the right to vacation as a fundamental tool to prevent burnout. However, we also recognize the importance of managing our emotions and thoughts on a daily basis.

Sometimes circumstances are not favorable, but learning to shape our emotions allows us to find satisfaction and productivity, even in challenging situations.

Goleman's formula includes awareness of our emotions, concentration and changing our perspective on our situations.

He also highlights empathy and human connection as key aspects in a world increasingly dominated by technology.

In short, at VIAHR we believe that everyone has the right to enjoy a great day, every day. Remember to take your breaks, take care of your emotional well-being and connect with others!


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