
How long does it take to recover from burnout?

how long does it take to recover from burnout

Recovery from a condition like burnout doesn't happen overnight. And because the problem is primarily internal, tracking progress is not always easy.

Below, I show you 5 stages in which you can actively work at your own pace to find the calm in the midst of the storm.

Stage 1: Admitting the problem

The recovery process cannot begin until we recognize that it is necessary.

Stage 2: Take a break

Taking a break from work is not always possible. But it will help relieve tension and give your body and mind the time it desperately needs to relax and gather energy again.

Stage 3: Focus on wellness

If you experience burnout, it may be time to shift your focus from work-related productivity to your overall well-being.

Stage 4: Reflect on personal values

When we immerse ourselves in work, we usually forget why we started or what we want out of life.

Reflecting on personal values can remind us of who we really are and what parts of life deserve our full attention.

Stage 5: Explore new opportunities

If current roles and responsibilities are proving to be more draining than fulfilling, it's probably time to explore new opportunities and find a career that better suits your lifestyle and ideals.

Recovery doesn't happen on its own - you may need to make some lifestyle or work changes before you find relief!


Book your appointment

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