
Giving love to prevent burnout

Giving love and preventing burnout

At VIAHR Foundation we practice what we promote and we have witnessed that one of the most beautiful ways to prevent burnout is through expressions of service and love to others.

That joy that fills the heart, which sometimes we do not find in ourselves, comes and multiplies when we do something for someone else.

That's why we took a turn in our actions as a foundation, we took A BREAK and together with the Thy Kingdom Come Foundation and the Boquitas Foundation, we went to the municipality of Mara, in Venezuela, Zulia State, to donate toys to 200 children in extreme poverty.

We know that the action of giving gifts at Christmas is based on the fact that the birth of Jesus is the greatest and best gift that humanity has received, the magi brought presents (gifts) to the great King announced, the child born in humility but who would reign with his love in our hearts, that is why giving gifts at Christmas has become a tradition and especially if it is to children.

Do you want to preventing burnoutDo you want to relax, to stop stressing? - Help a person, a family, an organisation. We invite you to visit the Thy Kingdom Come Foundation and you can do it

Joy, vitality and contentment of heart are medicine for any exhaustion.

Doing things that ease the burdens of the soul and bring smiles to ourselves and others is one of our purposes as a foundation, and we invite you to make it yours as well. 


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If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

Responsible: VIAHR Foundation
Purpose: To answer questions or pre-contractual diligences
Legitimation: Pre-contractual diligences
Duration: Your data will only be stored for 6 months, or as long as our contractual relationship remains active.
Rights and additional information: You can read all the details in the privacy policy.

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