
From apathy to action in 30 seconds

From apathy to action in 30 seconds

One of the main emotions experienced during burnout is apathy. It is that emotion that is behind irritability, sadness, demotivation, indifference - to everything and everyone -, tiredness, lack of energy; this is when we only see the negative. In others and in ourselves.

Memory, attention and concentration fail. There is less appetite and more insomnia.

What can we do to feel better, with more energy, vitality, motivation?

As a society, we have the belief that we have to wait until we are motivated to take action.

When the opposite is true, the formula is action = motivation, not the other way around.

What does this mean?

To start feeling motivated you don't have to wait, you have to act. Inaction produces more apathy and robs you of more energy.

Start by setting yourself small tasks. Define 3 things to do that you know are manageable for you. As you finish one after the other, you will start to feel better. Lighter. More energetic. Little by little what felt like a huge burden will feel manageable, and then it will feel easy again.

Patience, love and compassion with you. That is the way - even when you are not apathetic.

Another way to realise that we are in apathy is that we find it hard to look ourselves in the eye, smiling, talking and listening become draining.

What is the best you can do?

Look into the eyes, smile, talk, listen.

Ask yourself, again and again:

  • How would I act if I didn't feel apathetic?
  • What would my reaction be like if I felt happier, calmer, lighter?
  • How would I speak if I wasn't irritated?

This is your guide. Your map. Listen to your answers and notice how your mind and body begin to receive a different message: "Wait a second, this attitude is from someone who feels good. Let's produce those emotions then.

The thing about apathy is that everything we can do to improve feels contrary to what we want at the time. Of course, what you want is born out of apathy - how can you expect anything different? But what you want even more is not to remain apathetic, and here is the key.

Permanent apathy - that is, months of feeling this way - is a complex issue and one that needs professional help to resolve. We have a COACH TEAM and therapists who can help you.

Complete this form to make an appointment with one of them.

Have a week full of growth and well-being!


Book your appointment

If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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