
Should You Close Your Business?


In the world of entrepreneurship, facing challenges is a common experience. Sometimes, those challenges accumulate and lead us to question whether we should continue or let go.

A recent article in the digital magazine "Entrepreneur en Español" addresses this crucial question: "I want to throw in the towel and close my business; how do I know if I should keep going or let it go?

Recognizing Business Burnout

The article highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing entrepreneurial burnout, which affects nine out of ten entrepreneurs according to research conducted. Burnout can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from loss of hope to constant struggle with cash flow and challenges with staff.

The Importance of self-care and support

This is where VIAHR's work comes in. As advocates for the human right to rest and vacation, we support the importance of prioritizing self-care and seeking support during these difficult times. Taking breaks and rest is not only beneficial to the mental and physical health of entrepreneurs, but can also be critical to the long-term health of their businesses.

Better Business, Better Life" Evaluation Methodology

The article mentions the "Better Business, Better Life" assessment method, designed to help entrepreneurs assess both their personal health and the health of their businesses. This tool provides a holistic view that can help identify areas of improvement and strength, thus contributing to a higher quality of life and business sustainability.

Seeking External Support

In addition, the article highlights the importance of seeking external support, whether through coaches, mentors or fellow entrepreneurs. As a foundation, we foster a culture of mutual support and collaboration, where entrepreneurs can find the support they need to face challenges with confidence and clarity.

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Prioritizing Self-Care

Entrepreneurship can be demanding, but by prioritizing self-care and seeking support, we can make more informed and conscious decisions during difficult times. At VIAHR, we are committed to continuing to promote the importance of taking breaks and rest as an integral part of a healthy and sustainable work life.

Join our mission to promote wellness and mental health at work. Participate in our activities and encourage self-care. Your financial support is also needed to keep our mission going. Any contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference.


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If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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