
They were calm, and I was afraid. Why?

They are calm and I am afraid-why-post

Why do some people interpret the same situation as stressful, while others do not?

Why do some people feel anger in certain circumstances, and others do not? - The same applies to fear and sadness.

What is the difference between them?

If we continue under the premise that the interpretation of reality comes from the internal, and not from the external, it makes sense that the person whose reaction is from anger, for example, is the one who from childhood lived surrounded by people and situations where this was the predominant emotion, and therefore, is the one that is "triggered" in the face of different circumstances.

Let's take the example of a person who, after 10 years in his job, was dismissed without notice. What would the different reactions be like?

  • For a person whose predominant emotion is fear, the automatic reaction would be anxiety, stress, distress. "How am I going to do now?", "how am I going to get a job like that", "I won't be able to pay the bills".
  • For a person whose predominant emotion is anger, the reaction would be retaliation, arguing with the employer, blaming the company, its owner, badmouthing the company and those who work there. Resentment. Anger. Wanting to take revenge.
  • For a person whose childhood has been surrounded by love and security, the reaction would be one of understanding, gratitude, good wishes to the company, humility to recognise areas for improvement. This person knows that there are opportunities everywhere. "Thanks to the experience and what I learned in this job, it will be much easier to get another one.

This being the case, asking ourselves the question: how do I usually react to complicated situations, can be the starting point for getting to know and understand ourselves better.

Reality is a mirror, and the situations that "trigger" "negative" emotionsin us are only reflecting back to us the parts of us that are wounded and need healing.

Otherwise, why would a person face the same scene from calmness and we respond to it from fear, stress, anger?

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