
Find Peace and Freedom from Stress with 'Havening'.

Find Peace and Freedom from Stress with Havening

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, it is important to find moments of peace and relaxation for ourselves. That's why we want to introduce an amazing technique called "Havening", which can help you release uncomfortable emotions, relieve stress and bring you a sense of calm and serenity.

Developed by Dr. Ronald Ruden, Havening is a powerful self-help tool that uses simple touch and visualization to generate profound changes in your emotional and physical well-being. 

Today, I want to guide you step by step through the Havening process, as taught by Aldo Civico during his presentation at our first Ibero-American Congress against Burnout, TAKE A BREAK, so you can experience first-hand its transformative benefits.

Step 1: Find a Comfortable Space:

To start, find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. It can be your favorite cozy corner at home, a quiet place in nature or even a private room where you can have a few moments to yourself.

Step 2: Identify the Stressful Emotion or Situation:

Take a moment to identify the specific emotion or stressful situation you would like to address. It may be anxiety, sadness, anger, or any other uncomfortable feeling you are currently experiencing. Acknowledge it without judgment and allow yourself to become aware of its presence.

Step 3: Cross your arms and begin the Havening Touch:

Now, gently cross your arms over your chest, placing your palms on opposite arms near your shoulders. Begin to stroke your arms from your shoulders to your elbows, using a comforting and soothing touch. As you do this, repeat to yourself a soothing phrase or affirmation, such as "I am safe and at peace".

Step 4: Visualize the Dissipation of Emotion:

As you continue to stroke your arms, close your eyes and visualize the emotion or stressful situation gradually dissipating. Imagine it evaporating like mist under the warm sun, leaving behind a sense of tranquility and relief.

Step 5: Continue with Havening for a few minutes:

Hold the Havening touch and continue the stroking motion for a few minutes, allowing yourself to become fully immersed in the calming sensations and visualizations. Let go of any resistance and surrender to the process, trusting that you are creating positive change within yourself.

Step 6: Observe and Reflect:

After a few minutes, gently release the crossed arms position and breathe deeply. Notice how you feel in this present moment. Notice any changes in your emotional state, physical sensations or general sense of well-being.

Whether you find comfort in practicing Havening daily or reserve it for times when stress and discomfort arise, this technique can be a valuable tool on your path to inner peace and emotional balance.


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