
Is it possible to solve anger from anger?

it is not possible to solve rage from rage

Continuing along the line of managing "negative" emotions, if we put into practice what we talked about last week, it is very likely that we have seen how by removing the resistance to what we feel - even if it is uncomfortable - and accept it, we feel better much faster than when we try to fight it or avoid it.

When we are faced with a problem or a situation that we don't know how to solve, or where the solution we see may bring more conflict, keeping this in mind is key. Why? - Because you cannot arrive at a solution from the same level - or emotion - from which the problem was created.

You cannot solve frustration from frustration.
You can't solve anger from anger.

When we are faced with a complicated situation, we are used to act and seek to change whatever is happening in the environment to calm down and feel better. What happens if we change the equation?

If instead of acting from the emotion that is generating the problem -be it anger, fear, frustration, stress, anguish, anxiety-, I take a moment and focus on the feeling that is in my body -be it an empty stomach, tension in the neck or back, pressure in the chest, etc.-, and not on the thoughts, accepting and welcoming it, even if it feels uncomfortable, we will feel how it diminishes, and in a matter of minutes we start to feel calmer.

When we are immersed in "negative" emotions, our mind fills with thoughts, to the point of dizziness. We do not see clearly. When we focus on the body, our mind calms down, because the brain cannot do both at the same time.

Only by having a calmer mind will we feel better and clearer. Consequently, our decisions will be wiser and wiser.

Once we do this, better solutions will come to our mind, because we tend to see the world through the lens of what we feel in the moment.

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