
Are you close to burnout? - Are your employees burned out?


It is time to choose directions.

As we know, among those who read us there are people with different types of interest. Therefore, we will start sending two segments: 

If you are one of those people who may be close to - or suffering from - burnout, then this is for you.

Learn how you can reinterpret a stressful or tense situation and view it through a lens of greater calm and clarity:

  • What am I thinking about this situation that leads me to feel this way?
  • What emotion am I feeling that is producing these thoughts?

After we take a moment to answer, come the last - and magical - questions:

  • How would I be looking at this situation if I didn't have this thought?
  • How would I be interpreting this if I wasn't feeling this emotion?

If you are one of those who are in charge of avoiding and preventing this from being promoted in your organizations: managers, directors, leaders, then this is your path:

We know that caring for the well-being of your employees is very important because of your company's culture and values, even if it is not necessarily the common denominator.

However, failure to do so brings consequences that go far beyond a bad comment or the dissatisfaction of a former employee. 

At the cost level, employees with burnout can mean the following👇:

When one or some of your employees is burned out, it is usual for them to start taking sick leave or start looking for another job. 

This can increase the rate of worker turnover and mean other costs, such as loss of revenue or the hiring and training of new hires. 

In addition, this employee with burnout may be one of your committed and productive workers that you simply can't afford to lose

On the other hand, he or she could be a manager responsible for entire teams; and burnout could extend to many more levels in your company.

As we mentioned at the beginning, if many of your employees show symptoms of burnout, this could represent a cultural problem in your company. 

This translates into problems in other aspects, such as low productivity -which continues to decline- or very low job satisfaction.

What are the reasons why your employees are burned out? 

How to recognize and manage burnout in them, and most importantly, how to prevent burnout?

    Discover the powerful tools that will help you balance personal well-being and work productivity

    From experts in Burnout Syndrome worldwide.


    Book your appointment

    If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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