
Avoid burnout with these 4 Tips!

4 Tips to avoid burnout

Regardless of whether you are a work-oriented person as part of your personality, or if you simply enjoy what you do, it is very important to realise that, if we do not set ourselves limits, we can become burned out. 

The tricky thing is that it is a subtle process, of which we are not aware, where we can come to see the symptoms as 'normal'.

What can we do to avoid burnout?

  1. Define the root causes: do you not enjoy the job you are in, do you feel you are not getting paid enough for the workload, have you not achieved a work-life balance, are you not setting boundaries in areas you should be? - Knowing what the root cause is is what gives you the route to take the right actions.
  2. Ask for help/delegate: Think of a person you could ask for help with the workload. It can be a colleague, even if they don't necessarily have to work with you. Reducing the workload can be a determining factor in avoiding burnout.
  3. Set realistic expectations for your to-dos: How many agenda items can you do without overloading yourself? - Set the number and stick to it.
  4. Learn to communicate with your employer: It is key to communicate when your expectations and/or our workload is unrealistic. Let them know in a respectful way how you feel and give other solutions.

While setting boundaries may be uncomfortable at first, it is crucial for our own care and health. 

Avoiding burnout has everything to do with being aware of the areas in which we are overdoing it and making the necessary adjustments.

Only we know when our boundaries are being crossed, and therefore only we are responsible for setting them.

If you would like to receive help from our burnout specialists, please complete the form at the end of this article and we will contact you.


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