
You have completed all outstanding tasks.

You have completed all outstanding tasks

And now?

How do you deal with yourself whenever you finish a task on your agenda?

We often put pressure on ourselves and don't give ourselves the space to recognise the good work we are doing.

When you start working, as you finish task-after-task, pending-after-pending, take a couple of minutes to celebrate yourself. Something simple: a coffee, some cookies, give yourself permission to relax and think about what you've wanted to think about but haven't been able to because you're busy, get away from the computer, from your mobile phone.

Whatever it takes. It's your time.

When you go back to work, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, you will feel better for the simple fact that you are allowing yourself to take that self-imposed pressure off. You're giving yourself space for yourself and you're doing it knowing that it's okay. Acknowledge yourself. Relax. And come back recharged.

You will start the next task with more energy, clarity and a better attitude. Finally,

Remember that avoiding and solving burnout is a day-to-day thing. It is a compound effect. Do little things (that don't require much effort on your part), to relieve the emotional burden that you have been accumulating for a long time. If you have any questions, or just want to tell me about your day, write to me!

Have a great day!


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