
Guilt, shame and burnout

Guilt, shame and burnout

Guilt and shame can have a very significant impact on the development of burnout.  

When we feel these emotions, our stress increases and this causes us even more exhaustion. 

How - Guilt is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for something we have or have not done .

When we experience work-related guilt directly, we may feel that we are not meeting expectations, that we are not fulfilling our responsibilities, or that we have made a mistake that has negatively impacted our work.  

This can cause us more stress and anxiety, in addition to the stress we already have with our workload. 

Shame is a feeling of humiliation caused by our actions or characteristics.  

When we experience shame related to our work, we may feel that we are not good enough, that we are not capable of doing our job well, or that we have let others down.  

Definitely, this can also lead to more stress and anxiety.

Both guilt and shame can lead to negative thought patterns, such as self-criticism, self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy.

These negative thoughts can further exacerbate the symptoms of burnout, and make the stress we are experiencing seem more distant and difficult to cope with. 

In conclusion, these feelings increase the risk of burnout by adding to the already existing stress, not to mention the paralysis we feel when we are immersed in them. It is a cycle that feels like a prison, until we face it and decide to resolve it.

If you are experiencing guilt or shame related to your job, it is critical to address it. Seeking support from a mental health professional or talking to a trusted friend can be helpful in managing these feelings and preventing burnout. Remember that it's okay to ask for help, and taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.


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