
More prone to burnout because of the way I think?

Why do some people suffer from burnout and yet with the same workload, others do not?

What is the difference between them?

As we have discussed in previous emails, thoughts are our paint and reality is our canvas. 

There are ways of thinking that define whether we are more prone to burnout than others. These ways/patterns also delineate to a large extent our personality.

What are some of these forms and how to identify them? 

  • Demand and Perfectionism: Phrases such as "it is necessary that", "it has to". At work, thoughts such as: "What I do must always be flawless and perfect". More subconsciously, there is the "I have to do things right to deserve the approval of others."
  • Extreme approval: This carries with it a lack of boundaries. "I am available always, all the time, every day". Seeks to be loved by everyone around. Pleasing, serving, even if it goes against what the person wants/feels.
  • Over-valuation of success: Here success equals self-valuation. If I don't have one, I don't have the other. "To be somebody I have to be successful", "I can't stop until I am successful".
  • Catastrophism: This one expects the worst in all situations: "What if I lose my job, that's the worst thing that could happen to me". Nothing around them speaks of this possibility, but the thought remains constant in the person.
  • Illusion of control: He takes all responsibilities for himself. "Everything depends on me", "I am responsible for everything". They carry their burdens and those of others on their shoulders.

The first and most important step is to identify which one predominates in us. The second is to know what is at the root of these ways of thinking:

Why do I need approval from others? If that is what I expect, does that mean I don't approve of myself? What is my self-image?

The best way to identify which way of thinking predominates in us is with a guide. 

To receive a session with one of our specialists, fill out this form, they will help you see where you are and why.

This information was taught by our collaborator Renzo Salazar. - When you fill in the form select "coach" and you will be able to request an appointment with him.


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