
Maximize your day with the 3-3-3 method: A balanced approach to sustainable productivity.

Maximize Your Day with the 3-3-3 Method- A Balanced Approach to Sustainable Productivity

We present Oliver Burkeman's 3-3-3 Method as a solution to maximize your day without compromising your well-being. In this article, we will explore how this methodology can help you find the perfect balance between efficiency and rest.

At Vacation is a Human Right (VIAHR), we advocate the importance of breaks to prevent burnout. In that regard, Oliver Burkeman 's 3-3-3 Method for a productive day has caught our attention. Discover how this simple structure can transform your daily approach, allowing you to work effectively while taking care of your well-being.

The 3-3-3 Method: Structure for Sustainable Productivity

The First 3: Focus on What Matters

Dedicate 3 hours of deep work to your most important project. We know that working in a concentrated manner for 3 to 4 hours is our cognitive limit. For best results, it is ideal to do this task during your highest energy moment (the famous "flow" that makes us 500% more effective). Also, define a specific progress goal.

The Seconds 3: Short but Urgent Tasks

Do 3 shorter but urgent tasks. Often, these are things you could be avoiding, small actions that take just a few minutes that could be on your sticky notes.

The Third 3: Keeping the Balance with Self-Care Activities

Complete 3 "maintenance" activities. These are the ones that make your life run smoothly. Program specific time for these activities and don't procrastinate.


  • Cleaning (clothes, dishes, etc.).
  • Self-improvement: exercise, keep a diary.

In short, the 3-3-3 Method offers a simple but effective structure to define your day in a productive way. At VIAHR, we believe in rest as a human right. Find the balance between productivity and self-care to reach your potential without sacrificing your mental and physical health.

  • 3 hours on your most important project.
  • 3 shorter tasks.
  • 3 maintenance activities.

Defining a "productive day" using this structure is crucial to finding satisfaction in our work, but we also recognize that rest and breaks are vital to prevent burnout.

At VIAHR, we firmly believe that rest is a human right! Let's not forget that taking time to disconnect and take care of ourselves is also part of productivity.

Remember, VIAHR friends, that a balance between productivity and rest helps us reach our potential without sacrificing our mental and physical health!


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