
McDonald's joins the Children's Mental Health Awareness Campaign

During Mental Health Awareness Week, McDonald's has taken an unprecedented initiative: removing the iconic smile from Happy Meal® boxes. 

This action seeks to convey to children that it is not always necessary to be happy and to encourage family conversations about emotions.

Research commissioned by McDonald's reveals that nearly half (48%) of children in the UK feel pressure to be happy all the time. To address this, millions of Happy Meal® boxes were available in McDonald's restaurants from May 13-19, along with emotive stickers that helped children illustrate their feelings.

Legendary footballer and father of five, Rio Ferdinand, is supporting this campaign in conjunction with the BBC Children in Need charity. Ferdinand emphasizes the importance of open communication with children about their emotional well-being.

As a foundation, we strongly believe in the importance of taking breaks and rest periods as an essential way to prevent burnout and promote mental health. 

McDonald's effort to remove the smile from its Happy Meal® boxes resonates deeply with our mission to highlight the need to recognize and manage emotions.

The pressure to be constantly happy is not exclusive to children; it affects adults in the workplace, leading to burnout. 

At VIAHR, we promote the idea that vacations and regular breaks are crucial human rights to maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life.

Just as McDonald's seeks to initiate conversations about children's emotions, we encourage employers and employees to recognize the importance of breaks. 

Allowing space for rest and reflection not only improves mental health, but also increases productivity and job satisfaction.

VIAHR recommendations:

  • Encourage Dialogue: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their feelings and needs.
  • Implement Rest Policies: Ensure that company policies include regular breaks and adequate vacation.
  • Burnout Awareness: Train employees and managers on the signs of burnout and how to prevent it.

We invite everyone to reflect on the importance of breaks and emotional well-being in both children and adults. The collaboration between McDonald's and BBC Children in Need is an excellent example of how big business can make a significant contribution to mental health.

We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that everyone understands and respects the need to take breaks and vacations. 

Together, we can create a culture that values and prioritizes mental health, preventing burnout and promoting an environment where everyone can thrive.


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