
What to do when stress keeps you awake at night?

What to do when stress keeps you awake

It's time for you to finish work. You kept your schedule. You finished your homework. 

You close the computer to go to rest, but when you go to bed, or try to disconnect, you don't succeed:

  • You think about what you have pending that you left "for later".
  • You think about what is someone else's responsibility, but it affects you if it is not done well, and you are distressed that you have no control over the situation.
  • You think about the things that need to be solved at home, with your children, your partner, money.

Haven't you noticed that, even if you fulfill all your responsibilities, there is always something else to think about or worry about?

If regardless of how your work day has been -good, bad, intense, quiet- you still feel the same, this tells us that it is something you can change if you change the way you interpret the situation.

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Ask yourself every time you find yourself spinning your head, thinking about things you are not going to solve at that moment, if something is really changing just because you are worried. 

If instead of thinking about what has you distressed or anxious, you think about anything else, what would change in your environment? -Exactly. I wouldn't change anything

That is, if you deliberately choose to let go of worry, you will realize that you are the one in control. You have the power to calm your mind and relax your body. 

A super effective exercise is to ACCEPT-ABRAZE that you are worried: "yes, this, this and that worries me", then, delegate it to your "I" of tomorrow: "he/she will be able to solve it".

A deep rest is much more effective if you are looking to solve things the next day. Not to mention how indispensable it is when it comes to avoiding burnout.


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