
What does it mean to be emotionally drained?

emotionally drained

Continuing on the topic of the essential characteristics that define burnout, let's go into a little more depth on each of them.

So what does it mean to be emotionally drained?

We reach this point when we are in stressful, overwhelming, and demanding situations on a constant basis.

When we are in tense and conflictive environments, when we live in fear, whether of losing our jobs, or of the disapproval and judgement of others are common examples.

The days go by and we can't get a break from the emotional toll. It builds up, and the inevitable result is exhaustion.

What symptoms indicate that we are already at this point?

  • Physical fatigue.We often feel fatigued. From the moment we open our eyes we feel as if the day is a burden.
  • Insomnia. When we are emotionally exhausted, sleep is more difficult than usual. The same issues that keep us exhausted occupy our minds, making it harder to fall asleep. 
  • Irritability. Due to lack of energy, we are more irritable and have less self-control. When we are exhausted, we tend to be in a bad mood and overly sensitive to any criticism or disapproving gesture.
  • Lack of motivation. The attitude towards everything is as if we are obliged to do what we do all the time. We lose enthusiasm and interest in our activities.
  • Difficulties in thinking. At this point we lose clarity in our thoughts and feel that we are easily confused. Each activity involves a greater expenditure of time and energy than before.

When we have any of these symptoms, our body is warning us that it has already accumulated a lot of stress, and it is necessary to listen to it if we want to avoid burnout.

If you feel you need help with stress management and how to manage your workload in a healthier and more harmonious way, fill in the form to receive a coaching or therapy session.

We hope you have a great week!


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