
Three KEY tips for dealing with burnout

Three KEY tips for dealing with burnout

Our focus is usually on how to prevent burnout in our day-to-day lives, today, the focus will be on how to deal with burnout once we are already there.

Considering the low level of energy we have if we are suffering from burnout, activities such as exercising, doing creative things, among others, although very good for our health, are not very realistic for us to do. At this point, apart from seek helpIn short, the priority should be on the things that recharge us, in short, it is to seek to do less, rather than more.

  • Take more frequent breaks: You don't have to wait until you are overwhelmed to do it. The idea is to do it so that you don't become overwhelmed. 10 minutes every hour, 15 minutes every hour and a half works magic when there is accumulated fatigue.
  • Watching things that make us laugh: With burnout, our mood is not the best and irritability is a constant. Using these "pauses" to watch things that make us laugh produces endorphins and gives us a better mood for the rest of the day.
  • Failure to act at the height of stressIf we are burned-out, stress is probably a constant in our daily life. Whenever stressful situations arise, take a pause for breath and ask ourselves:
    • What would this situation be like if I wasn't looking at it under stress? 
    • What would it be like from the calm?

We allow ourselves to realise that it is possible to see the situation in a different way, if we want to. Not to mention that it recharges us, and we think about solutions more lightly and clearly.

Listening to our body is key. If we need rest, we take rest. If we are stressed, we stop to breathe. Our well-being is the priority.

If you would like to book an appointment with one of our burnout specialists, please fill in the form at the end of this article and we will contact you.


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If you are feeling high levels of stress fill in the form with your details to get an appointment.

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