
Urgent! Burnout in physicians: a silent crisis

Urgent - Burnout in physicians_ a silent crisis

A recent article published by the digital newspaper Reforma, entitled "Y a los médicos ¿Quién los cuida del agotamiento?", highlights a critical problem affecting healthcare professionals: burnout. 

This syndrome, characterized by burnout, depersonalization and a diminished sense of accomplishment, affects a considerable percentage of physicians due to the intense workload and emotional demands of the hospital environment.

Dr. Guízar, a leading academic at the UNAM School of Medicine (Mexico), explains that this burnout can lead to serious consequences, including suicide attempts and early dropouts from medical careers. 

exhausted physicians

The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated this situation, making more evident the need to care for the mental and physical well-being of those who care for our health.

At the foundation, we fully support the urgent need to address this problem. Our mission is to raise awareness of the importance of taking regular breaks and rest periods as an effective way to prevent burnout, not only in the medical field, but in all sectors of the workplace.

The Reforma article highlights that the causes of burnout are both organizational and individual. Rigid hierarchical systems and unreasonable expectations, combined with the emotional burden of medical work, create an environment prone to burnout. 

Part of our purpose is to work to raise awareness among employers and employees about the benefits of regular vacations and breaks. We firmly believe that taking time to rest and unwind is essential to maintaining mental health and efficiency at work.

Studies show that breaks not only improve health and well-being, but also increase productivity and job satisfaction. 

It is crucial that professionals, especially those in demanding roles such as medicine, have the opportunity to recuperate and recharge.

To learn more about the importance of preventing burnout and how our foundation supports this cause, we invite you to read our recent article on LinkedIn: Profound burnout crisis in medical staff..


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